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Emergent Literacy: 

- word study for learners in the emergent stage

- matching units of speech to print


1. global level: the musical level of language

2. word level: try to match words to spoken counterparts

3. sounds level: segment phonemes and match them to words


Emergent reading: kids create a COW - concept of words, pretend read and read from memory

Pretend reading: copy or retell what adults read

Memory reading: left to right, top to bottom, points to letters accurately, recites words


Emergent writing: learn the difference between scribbles and pictures, play pretend, pretend to write, differentiate between drawing and writing

  • mock linear - symbols that move left to right

  • salient - prominent letters of a word that stand out due to how they are formed in the mouth and sound so kids write these down. children have to be taught spacing in their writing to create phrases and sentences


1. early stage: learn to hold a crayon and make marks on the paper that don’t make sense

2. middle stage: top to bottom arrangement, add numbers and letters to create a symbol salad, recognize that letters create words

3. late stage: use letters to represent speech

Skills of emergent writing:

- kids must know some letters

- know how to form letters

- know that letters represent sounds

- must attend to sounds within spoken words


  • phonemic awareness - ability to divide speech into smallest units of sound

  • phonics - matching letters to units of sound


- kids match sounds to their letters, pick out heavy and prominent letters

- kids need to be writing and experimenting

- support them during pretend stage of writing

- model how to write and read and hold a pencil

- use visuals during read alouds: explicit instruction


Example Activties:

- Concept Books/Concept Sorts - students group objects together and a good foundation builder

- Friends Photoshoot - use students to create groups

- Transportation Unit - use pictures and have students create 2-3 groups

- Syllable Name Line-up - line up by shortest to longest name syllable wise

- Rhyming Songs - helps with phonemic awareness

- Alphabet Scrapbook - a page for every letter, create collages in upper and lowercase letters

- Alphabet Eggs - lower and uppercase letters on plastic eggs and the students match them

- Soundline - clothesline with pictures and a matching letter on each clothespin

- Cut Up Sentences -  have students rearrange the words to create a complete sentence

Literacy Diet of Emergent Stage:

1. oral language - engage in conversation often, read from a variety of books, print out vocab words. ELL’s benefit a large amount from group discussions

  • vocab words: think of utility, correctness, repetition, and thematic when choosing them

2. phonological awareness - develops over time and in the letter name alphabetic stage, mix up size of syllables, incorporate rhymes into discussions, measure and assess

3. alphabet knowledge - strongest predictor of reading, letters go in a particular order, and point out letters often to children

4. letter sound knowledge - connections between letters and sound, articulation is important, voiced or unvoiced letters confuse kids, use pictures to differentiate letters with sounds

5. CAP (concepts about print) - surrounded by print all of the time, need it pointed out to them

6. COW (concepts of word) - good concept of words and text, ability to recall what they read

7. LEA (language experience approach) - what is said can be written and what is written can be read, learn stuff by doing it and hands on experiences

8. emergent literacy - a child’s knowledge of reading and writing before they are taught how to read and write


Support kids by: reading to children, reading with children, point referencing to text, use rhyming books

Words Their Way Chapter 4

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