CCSS Chapter 15:
Reading Anchor Standard 9: analyze how two or more texts address similar themes or topics to build knowledge or to compare the approaches the author takes
Two Main Reading Skills:
address similar themes or topics
compare and contrast the authors approaches
Literature Goals for Each Grade:
K-1: compare and contrast the adventures and experiences of characters in familiar stories
2: compare and contrast two or more version of the same story
3: compare and contrast the themes, settings and plots of stories written by the same author about the same or similar characters
4: the treatment of similar themes and topics (good vs. evil)
5: compare and contrast stories in the same genre on their approaches to similar themes and topics
Informational Text Goals for Each Grade:
K: with prompting and support, identify basic similarities in and differences between two text on the same topic
1: identify basic similarities and differences between two text on the same topic
2: compare and contrast the most important points presented by two texts on the same topics
3: compare and contrast the most important points and key details presented in two texts on the same topic
4: integrate information from two texts on the same topic in order to write or speak about the subject knowledgeably.
5: integrate information from several texts on the same topic in order to write or speak about the subject knowledgeably.
Skills and Strategies for Literature: identify familiar stories, differences, identify the plot, theme, setting, compare all of them, find patterns of events, etc.
Skills and Strategies for Informational Text: obtain information from the text and integrate them from the text, compare the most important points in two or more texts, etc.
ELL/ESE Accommodations:
Translated material for the ELL’s - books, graphic organizers, etc.
Diverse texts within in the classroom - find the books that relate to the topic and incorporate the students’ culture and native language
Audio recordings for ELL’s or students with hearing difficulties
Instead of being read the Grinch book, they can watch the movie for visuals - can be found in the ELL students native language
Hands on activities with the graphic organizers - ex venn diagrams and use the hula hoops on the ground and the students use index cards to show the differences and similarities.
Provide a variety of books (picture and chapter) for students to choose from
Teachers can provide the vocabulary being used for the day or the lesson for ELL students
K: Describe the Grinch! students will read The Grinch Who Stole Christmas and then as a class they will fill in the bubble map writing down facts about the Grinch in the beginning of the story compared to the Grinch at the end of the story. The students are analyzing how the Grinch changes over the course of the book with teacher help.
1: Students will compare and contrast the differences and similarities between bats and birds within the story Stellaluna. The characteristics are explained in the book and you can use the Smartboard. There is an activity that allows the teacher to create a difference chart and the students have to drag the correct facts to the correct topic, bats and birds. The students can act out what is similar and different between the bats and the birds to allow them the chance to get up and move around after sitting for a while.
2: Comparing Cinderella - students are given different versions of the classic fairytale and have to compare all of the types of Cinderella. You can use the versions from different countries that adapt to those cultures and how those students live. After reading the texts individually in a small group or as a class, students will write a paragraph consisting of 4-6 sentences. 1 Write an introductory sentences stating the version of Cinderella you chose. 2 Write at least on sentences in which how you explain how this story is like another story. 3. Write how they are different from another story. 4. Write a concluding sentence about the topic.
3: Strega Nona vs. Big Anthony - this lesson focuses on identifying plot and comparing and contrasting the plot of the two books by Tomie dePaola which use the same central character Big Anthony. Using a plot diagram and guiding questions, students will identify the exposition, rising action, climax, falling actions and resolution in each book. Students can write sentences comparing and contrasting the two diagrams after they are finished.
4: The Three Little Pigs - Students will be asked to act out the point of view from any of the characters or objects within the story (pig, wolf, house, etc.) Students can pick their point of view and act it to another person that is doing a different point of view, so there is more than one character acting. Then the students will write a paragraph stating the difference and similarities between their point of view and their partner's point of view. They will use vocab that goes along with the first and third person point of view, such as I feel, they said, etc.
5: Compare and contrast stories within the same genre and their approaches to similar themes and topics. The students will be asked a set of questions and will have to find the answer in two different books that talk about the same thing. The students will focus on how the author portrays the answers differently and then they will turn all of their answers into a paragraph. The students would use a graphic organizer to see the differences and similarities between the answers from the different authors.