Common Core State Standard Chapter 8 Notes
Strand - Determining Central Ideas and Themes - Substrand - literatures and informational text
CCR Anchor Standards and Clusters - key ideas and details
Anchor Standards 2 - determine central ideas or theme of a text and analyze their development summarize the key supporting details and ideas.
3 main reading skills
1. ability to determine central idea or theme
2. analyze the development of ideas
3. summarize key details
Differentiated Instruction for ELL's:
the passage can be translated into their L1
they can draw pictures instead of writing sentences
they can use oral language rather than writing to their partners
have a visual guide or model available for the students
go through group activities slowly and clearly, repeat when needed
central idea: students understand the message that the author is trying to convey and the ability to explain key details can be arranged under main ideas. Students will then be able to write logical essays.
summarizing: students extract the most important information from the text and are able to write a brief synopsis of the text.
theme: what is it? It is the message, what the author wants the reader to take away, and the judgement of author.
express: the title of the text, feelings and emotions of the characters, thoughts and speech, what they learn, conflict and events and actions.
instructional strategies: whole group/small group readings, discussions, grade level material, digital storytelling, summarize books and informatives, (focus on story structure, retelling/main idea, supporting details)
ex. STORY - setting, talking characters, oops a problem, resolution, yes problem solved.
Activities for grades K-5 to improve main idea:
k: circle maps - listen to read aloud, write main idea in center circle, write key words/pictures in outer ring.
1st: main idea puzzle - read aloud, write/draw a picture of a key detail on each puzzle piece to make up the story.
2nd: main idea hat - read aloud, identify main idea on light bulb, 3 supporting details, glue around the base of the hat to wear.
3rd: tabletop - read a text, find main idea, write and cut it out for the table top part, write key details as the legs.
4th: watch a video, read a passage, answer questions about the video/text. (topic, main idea, details)
5th: read a text alone, use quotes and details to write a 3 paragraph essay on main idea.